
Pingxiang County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, China

Certified Company

ISO 9001:2005

The Best Industrial

Oil Seal Manufacturer

Customer FAQ’s

You can send an inquiry form on the website to get in touch with us. We are a company that has been in business for 15 years. You can see us on Facebook. Pingxiang County Feiyun Seals Factory. We pay attention to protecting your privacy. We sincerely hope work with you

We are a seal manufacturing factory. Just like the name of our business license, we are genuine. We produce oil seals and O-rings. We have everything you want.

We will reply within 12 hours and give a solution within 24 hours. Our solutions will always exceed your expectations. Of course, we rarely have after-sales service.

We will control the raw materials from oil seal rubber to frame to production. We will inspect the quality immediately after the production is completed and inspect it again before shipping. We will inspect it three times to confirm that it is correct.

We usually ship within 3-7 days, for large orders it takes about 30 days

We support TT payment, Western Union, bank card, WeChat and Alipay payment

Address: Pingxiang County, Xingtai, Hebei, China

Working Hrs:Mon to Fri: 8:30-18:00


Feiyun Seals Factory, with more than 15 years of experience, specializes in the production of oil seals and O-rings. We can provide any oil seals and O-rings you need.


Best factory award of the year

March 14, 2023.

Best factory award of the year

January 05, 2023


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      No. 28, Beilizhuang Industrial Park, Jiegu Town, Pingxiang County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province

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